‘Here Come the Brits’ : Carmel’s Story

My parents came to London from Limerick and Tipperary in the 1950’s . Met there and married. I was born in 1968, one of four children.
My Irish passport signifies the culture I was brought up in, Irish culture, in London. The parties, the music, the Rosary club. All full of Irish people. The constant flowing relatives from all over but all originating in Ireland.
On trips to Ireland my grandad would shout:
‘ Here come the Brit’s’
 I would reply ‘Granda I’m as Irish as you’.
‘Not with that speech impediment you’re not’
I am so’ I demanded,  ‘my passport confirms it.’
Granda  would hoot with laughter
With  my recent DNA result of 100 percent Irish. I never needed either of them. With a name like Carmel, flame red curly hair, freckles, big blue eyes I wore my Irishness with pride ☘️