Below are some features and review about the plays performed at the festival.
Against the Odds Festival February- March 2018 London
A TRAGIC CARMODY by Brian Whelan
“Coming out of Ireland helped me see more clearly what Ireland truly is.”
Joe Horgan – Irish Post March 28th 2018
MOSELY MUST FALL by Martin McNamara
“The Day the Irish and Jewish Joined Forces against the British Fascists”
Irish Times Monday 26th February 2018
“Powerful drama of 1930s Irish family at war in an East End threatened by fascism”
Mary Conway ‘Morning Star’ March 1st 2018
WHAT’S THE STORY? by Maureen Alcorn
Remembering the heroic Irish nurses of the London Blitz
“Irish Times” Tuesday February 20th 2018
‘As informative as it is entertaining’: WHAT’S THE STORY? – Lion & Unicorn Theatre reviewed by Michael Davis, ‘My Theatre Mates’
“The four actors on stage project well and play their roles with obvious enjoyment and confidence”
Review of “What’s the Story?” by Maureen Alcorn– Spy in the Stalls