In this play festival, held in 2018 we staged of three plays which shone a spotlight on Irish men and women who had done something remarkable in their lives.
What’s the Story? by Maureen Alcorn
This play is an imagined dramtisation of the story of Mary Fleming and Aileen Turner, two Irish nurses who ran into a blazing building to save the lives of their patients after their ward was hit by a German bomb.
Click here to read the historical context of the play.
Mosely Must Fall by Martin McNamara
Mosely Must Fall’ is an imagined dramtisation of the conflict that occurred in an Irish family, living in the East End of London as Oswald Mosely and his fascists prepare to march through the Jewish and Irish ghettos.
Click here to read about the rise of Fascism in the East End of London in the 1930s.
which is the historical context of the play
A Tragic Carmody by Brian Whelan
This play by internationally recognised artist Brian Whelan recalls how he tried to organise an exhibition with fellow Irish London artist Danny Carmody, an Irish builder.
Click here to read artist Brian Whelan’s personal memoir of Danny Carmody.